LaRue's Massage & Bodywork
'Your Money's Worth Begins Here!'


More than most can enjoy the benefits of Massage & Bodywork, however, we would like to point out a few important contraindications that may not allow you to experience a massage session with us or in some cases perhaps may limit your experience with various types of massage & bodywork.  

Q: What is a massage contraindication?

A:  A massage contraindication is any condition that makes the application of massage unadvised or potentially dangerous to your health.


1) FEVER (100 degrees or higher)

2) Vomitting

3) Cold 

4) Acute systemic condition that affects the entire body

5) Intense or unexplained symptons

6) Pregnancy 1st Trimester

(The above are contraindications that would apply to any Massage & Bodywork service)


Hot Stone Massage

1) Poorly managed or advanced diabetes

2) Conditions that impair circulation

3) Neuropathy

4) Rheumatoid Arthritis

5) Recent Car Accident

6) Widespread Skin Condition

7) Flared up Condition

8) Weakened Condition